Statement on the expansion of full-day kindergarten in Virginia Beach Schools.

Justin Burns
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

This statement was written and submitted to the Virginia Beach School Board on April 3rd, 2017.

Honorable Members of the Virginia Beach School Board:

I disagree with those who say that there are no added benefits in implementing full-day kindergarten. Implementing full-day kindergarten gives opportunities for students from low-income families to better prepare themselves academically and gives an extra boost to all students as they prepare to proceed in school. I myself am a product of a full-day kindergarten program in the neighboring school district of Hampton City Schools. My mother was able to provide care for my late grandmother and the necessities for my household and me. Another benefit of this program is that it will make it easier for a single parent to work full-time and save more on child care.

I understand that the Virginia Beach School Board has a shared fiduciary responsibility when it comes to presenting the annual Operating Budget and CIP. I also understand that the city council uses its powers within its means of the City/School Revenue sharing policy to fund your request. While $14 million is a large sum of money, investing in this initiative will not only give our students the tools they need to be competitive, but also help put them ahead of the curve in an economy that is growing more competitive.

I believe that a strong Virginia Beach depends on a world class education system, and that includes dealing with the fact that as the demands on our students change, they should be equipped to meet those challenges. We can start by expanding education for children in their critical, developmental early stages.

Our school system holds an important role in the development of the students. The various schools are where students develop social skills and learn innovative problem-solving skills. They are also where students can set their trajectories to achieve their goals and turn their aspirations into reality. As our students embark on their future, let us empower them and give them the resources they need. Once given these resources, our students can build a future we can believe in.

Again, I applaud your proactive leadership in taking the first step in bettering our students and their future. I believe that with the cooperation of the Virginia Beach City Council, we can grow our students to be leaders who future generations will look up to.

With the utmost sincerity I am,


Justin Burns



Justin Burns

Son. Brother. Friend. Commissioner. College student. Former candidate for Virginia Beach School Board. 757/VA Beach native. (he/him)